
How well do you know ME?

mark 1

It is a CLI app built with nodeJS. Built as an assignment in the This checks how well do you know me.

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How well do you know about famous Anime "Attack on Titan"?

mark 2

Another nodeJS CLI app. You can also send this to your friends who have watched Attack on Titans and find out who knows it really well?

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Personal Portfolio

Mark3, Mark4, and Mark5

My Personal Portfolio developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript containing my Projects and Blogs.

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Minion Translator

mark 6

A fun transalation app developed using Vanilla JS to transalate English language to Minion's Banana language.

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Wanna talk to Pirates?

mark 7

A fun translation app developed using Vanilla JS to translate English language to Jack Sparrow's very own Pirate language.

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Emoji Dictionary

mark 8

An app developed using React JS to interpret the meaning of various emojis.

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Movies App

mark 9

An app developed using React js to view some of the famous Movies of different genres.

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Cash Register Manager

mark 10

A Web Application which will take the bill Amount and cash given by the customer as input and output the change to be given back to the customer.

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Is Your Birthday Lucky ?

mark 11

A website which takes user's DOB along with his/her Lucky Number as the input and give the output stating if his/her Birthday is lucky or not.

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Fun With Triangles

mark 12

A website to learn and test your knowledge about Triangles.

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Palindrome Birthday

mark 13

A website which takes your DOB as the input and tells you whether your Birthday is a palindrome or not.

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Investments - Measure the difference

mark 14

A website which helps user to figure out how much profit or loss he/she is making in percentage & in absolute value.

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mark 15

I am also working on some technical and non techincal blogs. You can read my blogs here.

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